What is Paqlebot and what does it do?

Paqlebot indexes news articles to discover who's mentioned in the media.

How often does Paqlebot crawl my site?

Paqlebot crawls sites with a maximum frequency of one page per minute. For the vast majority of sites, it crawls much less frequently than that, often just once or twice an hour. It automatically tunes the frequency of the downloads based on how often it discovers new articles.

How does Paqlebot interpret robots.txt?

Paqlebot uses the robots.txt rules for Googlebot when there are no specific rules for Paqlebot.

How can I spot Paqlebot in my request logs?

Paqlebot identifies itself with a User-Agent header containing the string (compatible; Paqlebot/2.0; +http://www.paqle.dk/about/paqlebot). In addition, you can verify that an IP address belongs to Paqlebot by checking that the reverse DNS lookup resolves to subdomain of paqle.net.